Since 2005, the North American Mission Board has planted over 100 churches in the greater Boston area. In our city there has been 1. We are asking the Lord to change this, and inviting your church to help.

Neighborhood Churches seeks to plant and revitalize churches in the forgotten places of New Bedford/Fall River, Massachusetts.


We have strategically identified neighborhoods that are primed for a new gospel work based upon our three-fold criteria: a physical church building, a densely populated neighborhood, and a recognized community connection point.

These neighborhoods are gospel-parched, but with the help of Great Commission Partners like you, we are praying that the Lord would establish gospel-exalting churches in these forgotten neighborhoods for generations to come.

  • One of the most vibrant neighborhoods in the South End of the city is the Goulart Square neighborhood. Historically this part of the city was predominantly Portuguese. Today it is ethnically diverse and is home to people from lots of different nationalities. From Emily’s neighborhood diner, to the Immigrants Assistance Center on Thompson St., this part of our city is in desperate need of a Gospel-exalting church and is a prime strategic location for establishing a new work.

  • Located in the South End of the city, this neighborhood centers around the Dennison Memorial Community Center which has been located here for more than 150 years. Buried deep in the streets between County St. and Route 18, the Gospel opportunities that are in this neighborhood abounds. With Gomes Park and Elementary School around the corner, as well as a number of the city’s low income housing projects, we are praying that the Lord would establish a new church in this neighborhood for his glory and the good of the people.

  • The North End of New Bedford needs churches! Just north of 195 is another large part of our city, also built up of smaller neighborhoods. One particular neighborhood sits as the base of the hill on Sawyer St. We are praying that God would raise up a team to be part of a church plant in this richly diverse and densely populated neighborhood between Purchase St. and Mt. Pleasant St. From multi-family homes to corner bodegas, from kids riding bikes to the older generation using a walker, this part of New Bedford needs to be told about Christ.

  • We believe that neighborhood schools need neighborhood churches! Just over into the North End border is the Hayden McFadden neighborhood that is a hub of activity. From lots of foot traffic to cars driving by, this part of our city is highly visible and home to many. Would you consider joining us in praying for Christians to move into this neighborhood, put down roots, live their lives among the people, and to establish a Gospel-exalting church? This part of our city is a prime and strategic location for anyone who wants to live faithfully and make a kingdom impact.

  • In the heart of the West End, there is a great little neighborhood surrounding Harrington Park and Hathaway Elementary School. This neighborhood has a mixture of single-family and multi-family homes, corner bodegas, and lots of people. It’s another one of New Bedford’s densely populated neighborhoods that has lots of life happening in it on a daily basis. With the park and splash pad being the hub of this neighborhood, we are earnestly praying that God would establish a church in this part of the city to serve and love its neighbors.

  • Buried deep within one of the Portuguese communities, lays another neighborhood in great need of a faithful church. Just off “the Ave,” and packed tightly with row houses on each side, the Coggeshall neighborhood is now one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the city. From great restaurants, to different languages, to busy streets… this part of our city is full of life. Our hope for this neighborhood is that it we would see churches planted all throughout it, and that men, women, and children from every tribe, tongue, and nation would worship Christ as Lord!

  • Located in one of the tougher neighborhoods of our city is the Linden St. neighborhood. This part of our city sits near the top of the West End, just off the Penniman St. exit. The only way neighborhoods like this change is by the gospel doing its work in the lives of those who live on these blocks. We are trusting God to raise up a team, to call a planter, and to establish a faithful neighborhood church in this part of our city. Would you join us in praying for the spread of the gospel in this hillside neighborhood and for people to be saved?

  • At one time one of the most prominent streets in New Bedford, County St. is now a visible graveyard of churches. Though their structures still stand, their halls have long been empty. Another neighborhood along the County St. stretch is the Clasky Park neighborhood. With Parker Elementary School, tightly clustered homes, and empty church buildings, this neighborhood makes yet another great place to move in and plant your life and labor faithfully for years to come. We are praying for the gospel to ring through these beautiful streets.

  • The Riverside Park neighborhood of New Bedford is a part of our city that is prime for a gospel preaching church. With the recent closing of a Catholic church, this part of our city is spiritual adrift. However it has a strong sense of community. Not only does it have the best soccer pitch in the city, but this part of our city is full of blue collar hard working people, who hang out on their stoops during nice days, run through sprinklers in the summer, and live life between Bellevue St. and Acushnet Ave.

  • In between Ashley Blvd. and Acushnet Ave. is a beautiful part of our city full of ethnic diversity, rich cultural history, and deep need for the gospel. This particular neighborhood holds a variety of restaurants from around the world, one of the city’s newer schools, and lots of people. Specifically we are praying that God would raise up a bi-lingual Spanish/English speaking Team to move into the neighborhood, and begin to do the good work of laboring together to establish a faithful gospel-exalting church in this part of our city. Please consider joining us in this prayer.

  • Not all forgotten places look the same. Not far from New Bedford is small quaint New England village of Padanarm. This neighborhood is more overlooked than forgotten. It streets are lined with beautiful old New England homes and its harbor is filled with sailboats too numerous to count. And yet, this village has no Christian church. This is a small village in need of a big Gospel. We pray for churches to be established not only among the least, last, and the lost, but among every area that is forgotten and overlooked for whatever reason that it may be.

  • With only a small bridge separating New Bedford from Fairhaven, in many ways the two places could not be further apart. And yet the one thing that they have in common is that they are parched for gospel-exalting churches. The town of Fairhaven is mostly single-family homes that sit upon quieter streets. Though the population of the town generally speaking is of a different socioeconomic bracket, their spiritual poverty is evident. We desire to see Christ-centered churches in Fairhaven for generations of New Englanders to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


“There is so much life happening buried within these densely populated neighborhoods. Children growing, parents striving, and the elderly enduring. Within our cities the greatest poverty that exists is spiritual poverty, which is why we are committed to establishing gospel rich neighborhood churches.”

Pray. Come. Give. Work.